Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church is a church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Rocky Mountain Synod of the ELCA. The congregation has its roots in the Good News of Jesus Christ and the desire for a Lutheran congregation to serve the communities in the valley south of Greeley and north of Denver. The movement of the Holy Spirit has been evident as those pioneering followers of Jesus gathered in a school in the spring of 1977 and the first worship service in the facility constructed by faith-filled disciples was held July 5, 1981.
Fed for Life!
In 1977, a small gathering of faithful saints was hungry with a mission—to start a Lutheran worshiping community in the LaSalle area. The Holy Spirit led this in-gathering of God’s saints from worshiping in a middle school band room to a nearby farm field donated for its mission. Where once seeds were planted to grow food, members worked to build a sanctuary where seeds of faith might be planted. Today, we are seeing a harvest of that early work. Seeds of faith in the promises of life through the love, grace and forgiveness of Christ Jesus has ignited a spiritual hunger in SOTV to feed others physically, relationally and spiritually. We have been Fed for Life! Shepherd of the Valley feeds young and old, whether feeding hungry school children during the summer or providing a meal, fellowship and worship with folks at Greeley Senior Housing. The congregation is hungry to deepen connections among the congregation’s households of all ages and sizes. Many are open to imagining new spaces and ways to engage those hungry for welcome and belonging in Christ’s name. The Holy Spirit is growing that capacity and scope and reach. It’s holy work. It’s God’s work. It’s important work—now! People continue to hunger deeply for real food, for belonging, and for a connection with God. And God hungers, too, that all would be fed, that all would belong and that all would know and experience the love of God in Christ Jesus for themselves. Together, we share the ways that God has blessed SOTV. Blessed to be fed. Blessed to be feeding others. Blessed to be hungry.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be fed.”
Matthew 5:6
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